In today’s fast-paced, globally connected business environment, companies targeting growth often expand their presence across regions. This expansion brings added complexity, particularly in the finance and accounting (F&A) domain, with diverse compliance requirements for each new legal entity, subsidiary, or functional team set up.

Crafting customer love – Navigating the path from services to products!
Embarking on a transformative journey alongside our customers has been nothing short of a captivating adventure over the past 10 years. Here at Consark, we unfold a tale that transcends the traditional service-provider narrative, blending evolution, teamwork, and delightful customer experiences. What sets Consark apart? It’s not just the innovative tech; it’s the unparalleled relationships we’ve forged with our 190+ customers. Our story goes beyond software – it’s about crafting customer love, one innovation at a time, building lasting relationships that stand the test of time.
A decade ago, our journey began with big dreams and a simple goal: to exceed customer expectations as a dedicated service provider. Fast forward to 2023, and we realized the game was changing with disruptive technological advancements like blockchain approaches to security, machine learning, artificial intelligence, etc. In the last year or so, we’ve not just kept pace but evolved our approach. It’s not about experiments anymore; it’s about having a clear vision for the firm’s product-led journey and executing it one step at a time. The key? Making sure every effort ties together seamlessly – no loose ends, just a unified path forward.
What makes this story truly remarkable is not just the shift from service to product but the positive embrace it has received from our customers. Instead of a mere transformation, it’s been a collaborative dance where our customers have led, and we’ve followed suit. Their feedback, aspirations, and challenges have been the compass guiding our evolution. 60% of our cherished customers have chosen to ride the Consark wave for over five years. Their continued love is not solely attributed to our advanced solutions but reflects the collaborative journey we undertake together. Our commitment to client success goes beyond the transactional; it’s a testament to the value we bring to their businesses. But that’s not all! A dynamic 30% of our clients have chosen not just one but multiple solutions, showcasing the adaptability and depth of our offerings. We position ourselves not merely as a vendor but as a growth partner, evolving with your needs.
Why do customers prefer us? It’s the personalized touch—our team’s dedication to ensuring your seamless journey with us. From top-notch integration to ongoing support, we’re with you every step of the way. At Consark, you’ll discover a celebration of the partnership we’ve built. Our customers are not just consumers; they’re co-authors of this narrative. As we turn the pages, we invite you to join us in celebrating a decade of growth, adaptability, and shared victories. It’s not about where we started or where we are; it’s about the journey we’ve shared with our customers and the promising horizons that lie ahead. Cheers to a decade of transitions, stories, and customer-driven triumphs!
Mary Thomas is Lead Solutions Architect at
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